The Benefits of Vibration

“I’m pickin’ up good vibrations”, sang the Beach Boys. Sound vibration can offer a variety of benefits. It can provide a sense of feeling grounded and calm in an individual. Vibrations from drums have been observed to boost the immune system (maybe that’s why I love the drums)! Listening to 15 seconds of vibration from a tuning fork offers the same effect on the nervous system and the mind as approximately 45 minutes of meditation. How cool is that?

I think that vibrations can help to connect our physical body to our subtle body. Our awareness becomes focused, our ears physically perk up and the rest of the body comes together as one. When listening to a sound bath, I feel as though my awareness is transported into a dream-like state. I think that sound healing gives the opportunity to foster a community with a beautiful and diverse set of individuals that are looking to find peace and ease in their lives.

Sound baths are offered often in spa settings and yoga studios. When you have the opportunity, attend a sound bath near you.


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