Take Class with New Teachers

At first, I started writing this blog out of frustration and realized I needed to come from a calmer and more compassionate place. Over the past year and a half I have had the pleasure of teaching a variety of different yoga classes. Unfortunately, most of those classes have had low attendance. Don’t get me wrong- I do love teaching to small groups and even individual sessions, but there’s one constant question I keep hearing. Several teachers, friends, or family inquire why I don’t have more people in my classes. I know many new yogis have had this experience, too. Here is the answer: we are NEW! When students are used to a particular teacher they tend to gravitate towards taking classes with them and less likely to take a class with a new name that pops up on the roster. As a student and teacher, I realized it’s incredibly important to take classes with a variety of teachers- new ones and ones who have had many years of experience. I think it makes me a more well-rounded teacher and as a student I am able to learn and meet new faces and be part of a greater community. Many new teachers like myself are so passionate about teaching and we are having little opportunity because very few students want to attend our classes. Perhaps the next time you think about signing up for a class and the time works for you, choose a new name on the roster. You never know, you might just meet your new favorite teacher.


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