Factory Reset

Life is filled with hustle and bustle. You hardly ever get to take time for yourself or to take an hour just to decompress. The word ‘relax’ is probably not a part of your day to day vocabulary. Running on empty all of the time isn’t healthy for any human being, but we do it so often that spreading ourselves thin is the ‘norm’. What if I told you I could help you do a ‘factory reset’? To get the parasympathetic nervous system back into balance- where the only thing I ask of you is to lie/sit down and relax? To softly shut the eyes and draw yourself inward? This idea of total relaxation is the concept of yoga nidra. Recently, I was certified in yoga nidra, where I am able to guide groups and 1:1 clients through their various layers of consciousness. Ideally, I can help you reach an alpha brainwave state where some of the senses are still attuned, but you’re almost in a dream-like theta brainwave state. The best part is that you are directing the dream with my subtle guidance with various imagery and exploration of opposites. The goal is to not fall asleep, but if you do, that is certainly okay. That’s just your body telling you you needed sleep! Come and experience your factory reset with me by navigating to the booking tab on my website.


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