I reflect on the last five years of my life and think about all the growth I’ve experienced. From receiving my diagnosis of having Rheumatoid Arthritis. To graduating with my Associates degree, then with my Bachelors degree. Surviving a pandemic. And most recently (like, literally yesterday) becoming a 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher. I am so proud of my resilience through the challenges I faced the last several years and where I am today. I have met so many wonderful people through my various jobs, teacher trainings and beyond. I wrote on my 24th birthday about all the things to come for me, and man, I really did manifest. I look forward to keep teaching gentle and accessible yoga classes and continuing with offering sound sessions. I am so grateful for my family, boyfriend and friends for their patience, love and support over the last five years. Without you, who knows where I would be. I’m trying not to ramble, but it’s hard not to, thinking about how grateful I am for another trip around the sun. Long story short, I look forward to the next five years and all that the universe will send my way.


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