How Yoga can Transform Your Life

When you think of yoga, what is the first thought that comes to your mind? Is it your physical body maintaining a posture? Sure, that’s what many westerners think! Which, is not incorrect, but yoga has eightlimbs. 8 limbs! First, there are the yamas, our moral vows. Second, there are the niyamas, our duties. Third, there are the asanas, which is what we traditionally think of when we think of yoga, our physical postures. Fourth, is pranayama, our breath work. Fifth is pratyahara, which is the withdrawal of our senses (think yoga nidra!). Sixth is dharana, which is maintaining focused concentration. Seventh is dhyana, the meditative state. The eighth and final limb of yoga is samadhi, which is reaching bliss or enlightenment. Following the guidelines of Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga from the Yoga Sutras, we can transform our lives for the better. We can create stronger and more positive interactions with self and with others. We can regulate our nervous systems and maintain a better sense of well-being. We can even find a greater sense of peace within. As one of my fellow teacher trainees from last year said, we’re all just striving for our ‘samadhi pahti’-pahti is the Mainer way to say party, in case you were wondering.


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