Using Props in Your Practice

Even before I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, I used props to elevate and deepen the stretch during my yoga practice. Props allow some students into postures that they would not be able to otherwise and provide some relief to the muscles and connective tissues. For some students, props provide a new perspective to a posture, one that perhaps allows them to tune into their breath so that they are not straining to attain the posture.

Props provide accessibility for all to enjoy yoga. They come in the form of blocks, blankets, chairs, bolsters, and more. If you’re thinking you may not want to spend the money on props or pop into a studio, you can always use household items first. You can substitute some sturdy hard-cover books for blocks and a towel for a yoga blanket. The possibilities are truly endless; get creative!

So, the next time you practice, give your body a break and connect to your breath by using props in your yoga practice.


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